Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Preparing for Sorority Conventions

Last week we attended 3 sorority conventions. We spent the days leading up to our departure doing tons of preparations. We barely got our new woven labels with our new logo in time so in the picture below our interns are pinning and sewing them into some t-shirts. 

We shipped tons of boxes ahead of us as well as packed up several suitcases. In the picture below the girls are folding up the garments and packing everything.

Stay from the conventions to come!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Spirit Show

A few weeks ago I attended a trade show called The Spirit Show. It is a sorority apparel and gift show and this year it was held in Virginia Beach, VA. 

The picture below is our booth at the show.

This is our view from the booth. It was basically a rectangular room with booths along the walls.

And of course there is the beach! : )

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fall II Photo Shoot

Here are some pictures from our recent photo shoot of our Fall II 2010 line.

First, some behind the scenes pics:

Now the professional pics: